Friday, December 30, 2011

Prayer of Transformation Into a Lotus (Egyptian)

HAIL, thou lotus! Thou type of the god Nefer-Temu!

I am the man that knoweth you, and I know your names among those of the gods, the lords of the under-world, and I am one of you.

Grant ye that I may see the gods who are the divine guides in the underworld, and grant ye unto me a place in the underworld near unto the lords of Amentet.

Let me arrive at a habitation in the land of Tchesert, and receive me, O all ye gods, in the presence of the lords of eternity!

Grant that my soul may come forth whithersoever it pleaseth, and let it not be driven away from the presence of the great company of the gods!

Chinese Prayer

I THE EMPEROR, have respectfully prepared this paper to inform the spirit of the sun, the spirit of the moon, the spirits of the five planets, of the stars, of the clouds, of the four seas, of the great rivers, of the present year,

That on the first of next month we shall reverently lead our officers and people to honor the great name of Shang-Ti.

We inform you beforehand, O ye celestial and terrestrial spirits, and will trouble you on our behalf, to exert your spiritual power, and display your vigorous efficacy, communicating our poor desire to Shang-Ti, praying him to accept our worship, and be pleased with the new title which we shall reverently present to him.

Thou, O Ti, didst open the way for the forces of matter to operate;
Thou, O Spirit, didst produce the beautiful light of the sun and moon, that all thy creatures might be happy.

Thou hast vouchsafed to hear us, O Ti, for thou regardest us as thy children.
I, thy child, dull and ignorant, can poorly express my feelings.
Honorable is thy great name!

Chinese Liturgy

ONE in spirit,
We invoke thee!
Hail, Amit-abha of the world!
O would that our merciful teacher, Sakya-muni,
And our great Father Amit-abha Would now descend and be present with us.
Would that the perfect compassion-ate heart would now draw near And receive our offerings.
May the omnipotent and omniscient Holy Spirit
Come to us while we recite these divine sentences.

Magical Incantation (Chaldean)

I HAVE invoked thee, O Sun, in the midst of the high heavens.

Thou art in the shadow of the cedar, and thy feet rest on the summits.

The countries have called thee eagerly, they have directed their looks towards thee,

O Friend, thy brilliant light illuminates every land, overthrowing all that impedes thee, assemble the countries, for thou, O Sun, knowest their boundaries.

Thou who annihilatest falsehood, who dissipated the evil influence of wonders, omens, sorceries, dreams, evil apparitions, who turnest to a happy issue malicious designs, who annihilatest men and countries that devote themselves to fatal sorceries, I have taken refuge in thy presence.

Do not allow those who make spells, and are hardened, to arise.

Frighten their heart,
Settle also, O Sun, light of the great gods
Right into my marrow, O Lords of breath, that I may rejoice, even I.

May the gods who created me take my hands!

Direct the breath of my mouth!

My hands direct them also, Lord, light of the legions of the heavens. Sun, O Judge!

Prayer to the Sun (Chaldean)

THE LORD has sent me; the great god Hea, has sent me.

Thou, in thy course thou directest the human race
Cast upon him a ray of peace, and let it cure his suffering.

The man, son of his god, has laid before him his shortcomings and transgressions; his feet and hands are in pain, grievously defiled by disease.

Sun, to the lifting up of my hands pay attention; eat his food, receive the victim, give his god, for a support, to his hand!

By his order let his shortcomings be pardoned! Let his transgressions be blotted out!

May his troubles leave him! May he recover from his disease!

Give back life to the King!

Then, on the day that he revives, may thy sublimity envelop him!

Direct the King who is in subjection to thee!

And me, the magician, thy humble servant, direct me!

Babylonian Prayer For Health (Exorcism of Spirits of Disease)

(Exorcism of Spirits of Disease)
Tablet I
THE noxious god, the noxious spirit of the neck, the neck-spirit of the desert, the neck-spirit of the mountains, the neck-spirit of the sea, the neck-spirit of the morass, the noxious spirit of the city, this noxious wind which seizes the body and the health of the body.
Spirit of Heaven, remember! Spirit of Earth, remember!

Tablet V
He who makes an image which injures the man, an evil face, an evil eye, an evil mouth, an evil tongue, evil lips, an evil poison.
Spirit of Heaven, remember! Spirit of Earth, remember!

Tablet VI
The cruel spirit, the strong spirit of the head, the head-spirit that departs not, the head-spirit that goes not forth, the head-spirit that will not go, the noxious head spirit.
Spirit of Heaven, remember! Spirit of Earth, remember!

Tablet VIII
May Nin-cigal, the wife of Nin-a’su, turn her face toward an-other place; may the noxious spirit go forth and seize another. May the propitious spirit and the propitious genii settle upon his body.
Spirit of Heaven, remember! Spirit of Earth, remember!

Tablet IX
May Nebs, the great steward, the recliner supreme among the gods, like the god who has begotten him, seize upon his head; against his life may he not break forth.

Spirit of Heaven, remember! Spirit of Earth, remember!

Tablet X
On the sick man by the sacrifice of mercy may perfect health shine like bronze; may the Sun-god give this man life; may Merodach, the eldest son of the deep, give him strength, prosperity and health.
Spirit of Heaven, remember! Spirit of Earth, remember!

(Nin-cigal--The Goddess of the House of Death)

A Prayer for the Dying (Assyrian)

BIND the sick man to Heaven, for from Earth he is being torn away!
Of the brave man who was so strong, his strength has departed.
Of the righteous servant, the force does not return,
In his bodily frame he lies dangerously ill.

But Ishtar, who in her dwelling, is grieved concerning him, descends from her mountain unvisited of men.

To the door of the sick man she comes.
The sick man listens!
Who is there? Who comes?
It is Ishtar, daughter of the Moon God!
Like pure silver may his garment be shining white!
Like brass may he be radiant!
To the Sun, greatest of the gods, may he ascend!
And may the Sun, greatest of the gods, receive his soul into his holy hands!